Category: Uncategorized

  • With the reborn Carcass and the release of their new album, Surgical Steel, next Tuesday, I thought it would be a good time to take a look back at their classic 1993 release, Heartwork. Carcass began their career in the mid ’80s, and with the release of Reek Of Putrefaction in 1988, and Symphonies Of…

  • Let’s get right down to brass taxes: Given all of the geopolitical instability and market volatility that plagued 2019, what the fuck happened to Metal-Fi? One has got to wonder if the serious lack of updates on the site are because of these issues or are they in fact the root cause? I honestly don’t…

  • New Low HD T

    Oh HDTracks. I want to support what you do, but you make it so difficult. Under the “About This Album” section of the latest release from Beck, Morning Phase, is a single sentence at the end: “Please note: Tracks 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 contain elements of 48k tracking, mastered in 96/24.” I usually complain…